Welcome to KooIoT
KooIoT provide edge-computing IIOT gateway. High quality and robust hardware, with powerful and customizable edge-computing software.

IIOT solution provider
- KooIoT provide IIOT edge-computing gateway, helps building your owner IIOT production or solution.
- The configuration and maintains are all go through our cloud platform, manage all your device and data with your laptop or PAD.
- Easily for private network accessing , serial port mapping. All device are connected remotely.
Edge-Computing Gateway
We build IOT gateway which flexiable edge-computing framework. The gateway fits all your needs on different domain. The gateway is not limited as an:
- Automation device data accquiration (Modbus, OPCUA, PLCs, CNC and so on)
- Analysis device data and rebuild them as required
- Control devices accordingly and locally
- Saving and passing time-series data to cloud
- Network or serial port mapping
Cloud based system
Cloud based system which does not require software installation and cloud be easily accessed from any laptop or PAD.
Even for developers, they can anaylsis issue and editing appliation code via our cloud!